Heyloooo from the Kimberley! Sorry it has been a while but this is the first time we have had access to wifi, I have been on Facebook a couple times via the 3G phones of my fellow Aussie mates. Also I apologize for the short blog last time. Our team was really busy getting everything ready and prepped to leave and I just couldn't find more time in my schedule, so I will try to make this one more lengthy.
Oh and also i have some very exciting news at the end of this so keep reading, it's worth it!
We headed out Sunday the 23rd early in the morning and drove for 5 days in a 1970's bus with no air con (Aussie-slang for air conditioning), so i was already a miracle that we survived the trip up to Kununurra without killing one another haha. Especially for me, I did NOT think I would be able to survive the trip because 1, I hate car rides and 2, the longest road trip I have been on that I remember was 8 hours. So yeah it was quite the experience, let's just say our team is a lot closer now.
It's funny though because it was supposed to be just our Sports DTS coming up to the Kimberley but because of certain obstacles with visas, the normal July DTS is here with us (yes that means my bestie Soy is here). So our sports DTS mixed feelings about them coming with us but like I said, it's funny because literally the first night we realized how much we need them because the two stove burners that we brought didn't work but luckily the July team graciously lent us one of theirs and we have been using it for food the whole trip. So God knows what He is doing even though we might not see or understand. The rest of the trip was great though, God totally gave me a positive attitude the whole way which was
So on the 5th day we FINALLY reached our destination of Kununurra! Now unbenounced to us students, we didn't really have a plan going up there and it was decided that some of us were going to spend our nights in a tiny church with no air con and the rest in tents...BUT Because the God we serve wants to bless us, He provided a house for us all to stay in, not only with air con but also a kitchen and bathroom! Yeah the Lord provides!
So we spent 5 awesome and cool (no pun intendend) days in Kununurra. The area is SO beautiful and God has really been giving me a Heart for the people in the Kimberley and I feel so blessed to be a blessing to these people. If you don't know much about the aboriginal (also known as indigenous) people of Australia, I would really encourage you to read up about them, because their story is truly amazing. If you want I would love to share what I have learned!
We partnered with the local people's church in Kununurra, for the short time we were there, and they actually handed over their entire Sunday morning service to us. So my Indonesian friend Glenn, in the July DTS, found out he was going to preach on Saturday afternoon, had the rest of the time to prepare a sermon and then got to preach the next day, such an awesome opportunity! I also, believe it or not, was involved in the service, being the worship team leader hahaha...those of you who know me well know why this is funny!
The next couple of days we were continuing ministry with local missionaries and we also met some of the neighbors to where we were staying. One of the women we met was named Samantha and when we met her she was drinking with her family on her driveway. So we just started being friendly and she was actually the one who brought up the topic of God and Christianity. So I start sharing my story and the gospel with her and she was so interested. But unfortunately we had to leave to go eat dinner. So we went back the next night and there she was drinking again but she remembered me and was like “oh Molly, is that you?” and so my friend Brittany and I continued to share with her and she accepted Christ into her heart and was so sincere about changing her ways. So we got her in touch a little bit with the local pastor to one of the churches. We had to leave but I really could see God moving in her!
The next town we hit was called Fitzroy Crossing. Our team stayed here for week and for a good portion of the time we got to work at the sports festival that was going on there. Most of our ministry time was spent going to the festival and just chatting with the people, trying to show God's love. So one of the days I met a lady named Dorris, she was an elder in the community and just the cutest thing ever (I will try to get a pic of her and up on instagram). So as I was talking to her, I could tell she really knew the Lord, which is awesome. So we continued talking and I was doing my best to encourage her when I noticed a band aid on her foot. I asked her what was wrong with it and she told me her foot was very cracked, itchy and she scratches it a lot and it's super painful when she walks. So I immediately was like oh have you tried praying for it, and she replied uhh yeah. Because I was so eager to see God at work especially in healing someone, I asked her if I could pray for it. So, not really expecting anything, I prayed for her foot and after she said “it feels cold now” and she said it didn't feel cold before and that all the pain was GONE! Woah I was totally blown away,so I said “really?! That's so awesome!!” and she said “yeah I don't even know you, you start preachin to me and now my foot doesn't hurt.” It was for real one of the sweetest moments in my life, where I had never seen anything like that before. So when I met up with her the next day, she said the pain was completely gone and the she had been walking around barefoot all day haha.
We also did some sessions for kids at the festival, like nail painting, hair, story-telling, and games. Mi was so awesome to see God show up in Fitzroy!
After the festival, our team stayed did some work with local Christians of Fitzroy, Pauline and Keith. They welcomed us into their home (with a pool =]) and took us around to the little aboriginal communities around Fitzroy and we got to do some mercy ministry (service) for them. We also got to ride in one of those sweet cars that you would use in an African safari. So awesome!
A prayer point for my team would be unity. With 23 people living and working together 24/7, there are bound to be challenges.
One prayer point for me would be positive attitude because I am really starting to miss home.
So one more super exciting thing before i end this very long post, i have been hearing from God for awhile now abut my future because i realized i didn't even ask Him about what His plan was. He has spoken and confirmed many times to actually come back to YWAM Perth after about 2 months at home in order to join staff for 2 years. I am super excited but also very nervous about this. I wrestled with God about this for a while because i am so academically driven and really have a strong desire to attend university. But i know Gd has nothing but good stuff planned for me, so i can't wait :)
That's all for now guys! I don't know when the next update will be but i will try my best to do it as frequent as possible :)
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