

Sunday, June 14, 2015


God’s grace//prayer board//babysitting//Calls to friends far away//bluntness of kids//exercise balls//treadmill//my good friend Leah//personal revelations taking me deeper//stories of lives being transformed//dinner invitations//Valentine’s day…yes even when you’re single//John 3:16//card-making//new sitting spots//monthly financial support//getting letters in the post//Lent//Ash Wednesday//Julie from YWAM Texas helping to organize finances//people who call back//Michele Taney//Intentionality//Showing someone they matter//Erasers//Little neighbor Nicholas//Salmon from the fry pan//raspberry + anything combos//Mangoes//paperback books//extra storage space…yes//classical music//CDs//Birthday parties//Girls’ night//FB//my enduring purse//God working in all circumstances//God’s favor//Lotion//muscle soreness//incredible housemates//yellow dishes everywhere//Genuine counsel and advice//John Foley//friends that ‘stick closer than a brother’//IPod worship//relentless pursuit//ropes course adventures//3 legged beach soccer//athleticism//new laughs//the color red//hot water bottles//rice packs//doorbells that don’t scare visitors//commercial-free//free brekkies//funk music//Della Fern//God’s covenant//endless supply of toilet paper//Sports DTS 2013//one on ones//transformation before your eyes//answered prayers//key cutting for only $4//Kali//reliable running buddies//Subi church//cheap fruit//travelling//greater responsibility//Sherlock Holmes//fun mugs//humility displayed in the everyday//follow through//sports during lunch//my plane pal Johnny//Dean’s hair that continues to surprise//mechanical skills//hilarious people//encouragement time//laundry soap//sponges//sisters’ intuition//nearness of Holy Spirit//Meg’s bike//Molly Ray’s fix-it skillz//colored silverware//feels like home//Lydia//CURTAINS//Meg’s surprising vocab that continues to impress//Latif being ridiculous//Generous neighbors//Early nights//my blades

Sunday, May 31, 2015


Clean Scrubbies//sleeping pills//when you fall asleep right away//when I hear God speak so clearly//being skilled in a variety of accents//asking hard questions//people being real//getting rid of the elephant in the room//support letters//connections//brilliant new ideas//dusting rags//vacuum suction//flavored coffee creamers//yummy scones//radical obedience//CHICK@ River Valley//sermon podcasts//hand massages//unexpected hilarity//Song Hee Kim (also known as Soybean)//treats from Grandma’s house//mom’s dinners//secret places for time alone with God//individuality//uniqueness of snowflakes//ceiling fans//car heating systems//seat warmers//fire places//cozy nights during winter//organization//good reads//20/20 vision//straight teeth//health//devoted doctors//driving//ventilation//fitness classes//goggles//personal records for endurance running//fresh fruit//blueberries & cream//locks//Q tips-clean ears//friends who keep their word//Abby//Erika//mom’s crazy love//Jesus sacrifice once and for all//new mercies everyday//spheres of influence//Clean, wholesome TV (Rare)//getting lost…sometimes it’s funny//ball socket and hinge joint (pure amazement)//kids’ paintings//refrigerator magnets//stylish swimsuits that are still appropriate//Hannah Roberts//Kids//childlike faith//speakers who shake things up//radical, crazy ideas//shelves//walking cane from Africa for gramps (that he never even uses)//my grandpa’s heart//grandma’s friendship and love//Stories from the past that’re so personal//retreats//John Foley//sunglasses//frosting//flowy dresses//gifts of Holy Spirit//YWAM-ers//DTS memories//an able body//riveting movie plots//support from good friends//email//Janice from Rego// bold enough to step out of fear of man//daily encounters with random people who may just become your best friends//impact simple words can have//Jesus and the Quran teaching//Colored paper//Great aunts//time with grandparents// my good friend Jacob Kemp//old people//Katie & Avery Wiener//revelations (even pizza ones)//when you actually know the people at church//pastoral encouragement//riding around the store on shopping carts seeing who can go the furthest on one push//neon//lamps//Brittany Bradberry//being able to record live TV (amazing)!!

Saturday, August 2, 2014


Literacy//my kindle//downloading with one click//truth//to-do lists//chai lattes with shot of raspberry//head lice comb//joy expressed in giving a gift//jam sessions in the car//Nike training rewards//music that moves//God’s faithfulness//Barnes & Noble//excitement of opening a gift//fresh bed sheets//washing machines that actually clean//Gabi’s friendship//puns//God’s grace//memory foam pillow//catching up with old friends//wardrobe choices//worship with Holy Spirit//the gift of worship//fact that God wants my heart above all else//unique qualities in people//the power of invitation//provision from God//tube socks//step aerobics//long-sleeved shirts//whiteboard markers//typo journals//voice messaging to stay connected//air con in car//texting gloves//fair return policies// organizational skills//feeling of accomplishment when some task is complete//ice//free refills//large portions//smoothie recipes//turbo jam//verbal affirmation//friends that care//Mary Kate//home church//supportive people//vespers//group discussions (sometimes)//fresh insight//transformation//fake candles//walking in humility//being able to pay @ the pump//efficiency//cleaning supplies//YWAM Perth cookie recipe//toaster that works properly//talents God has given me//gift of servant-hood & leadership in my life//worship that’s like a rock concert//kindness of a stranger//doodling//movie nights//functioning body//new oil –free face wash//mouth wash//movies with captivating actors//discernment//stair stepper//Facebook//boldness to pray out in faith//songs that just “get you”//church events//John Foley//people with gentle spirits//beauty of a snowfall//new computer//helpfulness of Scott from Bethel//friendly reminders//constructive criticism//captivating laughs//protein drinks//cheering on a team//impact of a [seemingly] small encouragement//girls showing up to bible study//dads humor//River Valley Church//offer of someone to buy lunch//invitations to lunch//awesome blankets//memories that pictures hold//Microsoft Word//lockets//special events cause for celebration//text replies//the hope only found in Jesus//Brian Martin

Saturday, July 26, 2014

1,000 Reasons

Many of you know and most likely often sing the worship song 
"Bless the Lord, O my soul, O my soul
Worship His holy name."

The end of the 2nd verse:
"For all your goodness I will keep on singing
10,000 reasons for my heart to find."

This is something I know for sure. He is the most consistent, kind and caring Being. 
But how deep does this sink. 
How often do I miss His goodness in the small things?

In 1 Thessalonians 5:18 Paul writes, "Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus."

Often, when I think of God's will for my life, my mind immediately goes to "mile-stones."  The main ones being, husband, long-term calling, living location, kids, these sorts of things. I have read this verse many times and missed an essential truth. That God's will is for me to be thankful. Whatever is going on, whoever I am with, be thankful. 

this is powerful

Like Paul, I wanted and still aspire to learn the secret of being content (Phil 4:11).

It's cultivating a lifestyle of gratefulness.

So a year and a half ago I decided to start a list of 1,000 blessings. This has been an on-going I have not been very diligent in the task.  But I have decided to share God's blessings in my life, however big or small. Some may seem so incredible insignificant to you but have meant the world to me. These prove over and over again just how personal He is and how He knows me better than anyone else

I started this list while I was on a missions trip in Africa, you might be able to pick that up easily...but here are the first 100.

graduation parties//smart phones// downtime in the midst of craziness //generosity of a friend to buy you a pack of glucose biscuits (African treat)//friends who will spend 4+ hours picking lice out of my hair// cool breeze seeping through window at night//running water//crackling g-nuts to start off the morning//mechanical skills//sleeping in//laughter that makes your stomach hurt//nicknames that come out of nowhere//packaged rice crispy treats//knives to spread things on toast//strong boys who can push the POJ mini-bus//cars that run smoothly//coolness night brings//morning dew//offers to wash dirty socks//mental math that makes you feel like a genius//boldness to ask embarrassing/tough questions//head lice remover//fluent English speakers//generous amount of clouds that cover sun in midday heat//quality time with quality people//counsel and advice of godly people//warm showers with high water pressure//having more than one option to wear my hair//incredible leaders//cereal//big sisters//exercise buddies//encouragement//closets//wisdom and discernment//supportive friends and family//feeling of being clean//American food//godly sister who seeks the Lord//guts to talk about uncomfortable topics//God's voice//difficult people that show me my heart//snow//cold winter//Pizza made right//global communication//skype//challenge to be generous//attraction//Amada living so close//large and comfy bed//Christmas festivities//decorations//the mood candles bring//the holiday spirit//cars with 4-wheel drive//anointed worship leaders//down comforter//care of my mum//being able to lend a helpful hand//time//chai lattes//maturity//Christmas songs//texting//effective communication//fun at Ikea//target//people who understand//google//the world at my fingertips//the Bible//joyful children//infectious joy//old people not afraid to say what’s on their mind//accountability buddies//radio//sleepovers//fun of making a music video //homemade maple syrup//seat warmers//master keys//free education//solid teachers who care about students//quest for knowledge//fuzzy -wuzzy blankets//robes and slipper socks//hair straighteners//cell phone reception//great service at a restaurant//constant Wi-Fi//moonlit foggy nights//fresh air//holidays spent with family//latest and greatest technology//genuine smiles//awkward situations//driver’s license//embrace of seeing and old friend//books

*I've bold-ed some of my favorites.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Some updates of what God did on the last wave of Outreaches